Fusion Age Equipment

The following equipment is available at PL 6 and later.

Table: Progress Level 6 Equipment
NameSizeWeightPurchase DCRestriction
Chemical and Medical Equipment
Chemical, antitoxDiminutive6
Chemical, boostDiminutive6Illegal (+4)
Chemical, neutradDiminutive6
Chemical, solvawayDiminutive5
Chemical, sporekillDiminutive6
Medkit, advancedSmall3 lb.7
Medkit, fast useSmall3 lb.7
Plastic surgery kit, personalTiny1 lb.11Lic (+1)
Computer Equipment
Computer, cardDiminutive22
Display contactsFine16
Miscellaneous Equipment
Disguise kit, morphicTiny1 lb.12
Flash-sealTiny1 lb.8
Fusion torchMedium3 lb.10
IntellipicksSmall1 lb.13Lic (+1)
JetpackLarge22 lb.16Lic (+1)
Neural scramblerSmall1 lb.10Res (+2)
Universal communicatorTiny0.5 lb.6
Sensor Equipment
Sensor, chemicompSmall1 lb.18
Sensor, geocompSmall1 lb.18
Sensor, motionTiny0.5 lb.14
Survival Equipment
AquaconverterMedium4 lb.13
Violet rationsFine5


Also known as “mechanical gills,” the aquaconverter is a simple device that takes in water, separates its molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and then feeds the oxygen into a breather tube and the hydrogen into power-generating mechanisms. Worn as a backpack with a breather tube placed in the mouth, the aquaconverter is a limitless and self-powering way to breathe safely underwater.

Chemical, Antitox

A chemical found in many first aid kits, antitox is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to save the life of any character infected with a poison. Each antitox injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the poison and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the antitox delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the poison and its effects in 1d6 rounds.

Chemical, Boost

A drug that is both beneficial and highly dangerous, boost functions as a temporary adrenaline-enhancer. Boost was originally conceived for military purposes in an attempt to make the soldiers of the Fusion Age stronger, faster, and more combat-capable. A single injection of boost grants the character a +4 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus on Reflex saves, increases the character’s movement speed by 10 feet, and increases the character’s massive damage threshold by +4. These effects last for 1 minute (10 rounds).

Unfortunately, the side effects of boost almost outweigh the benefits. For one, the chemical is addictive and can alter the perceptions of a character so that she thinks she cannot live without a dose of the drug. Additionally, repeated use of boost has debilitating effects on the body’s immune and nervous systems.

Each time a character uses a dose of boost, she has a 10% chance of suffering a –2 penalty to her Dexterity and a –1 penalty on Fortitude saves. These penalties last for 24 hours.

If the character uses the drug again before recovering from these penalties, the penalties increase and the recovery time extends for an additional 24 hours. For example, if a character uses another dose of boost while still under the effect of the penalties, the character suffers a –4 penalty to Dexterity and –2 on Fortitude saves, and the recovery time increases to 48 hours.

Chemical, Neutrad

A chemical found in many first aid kits, neutrad is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to neutralize the effects of radiation poisoning. Each neutrad injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the radiation sickness and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the neutrad delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the radiation poisoning and its effects in 1d4 hours.

Chemical, Solvaway

Solvaway is a special spray-on chemical designed to break through the restricting compound fired by tangler guns and tangler grenades. A single application of solvaway completely dissolves any hardened compound and frees the character as though the compound had dissolved on its own.

Chemical, Sporekill

A chemical found in many first aid kits, sporekill is a special hypodermic injection that can be used to neutralize the effects of most diseases. Each sporekill injector contains a specialized analyzer linked to chemical generators. When the needle penetrates the skin of the target, it samples the target’s blood and sends the data back to the analyzer, which determines the nature of the disease and generates an antidote from stored chemical compounds. Once the sporekill delivers its specially formulated chemicals, the target character is completely cured of the disease and its effects in 1d10 hours. Some genetically engineered diseases are created to circumvent sporekill chemical, and are unaffected by this piece of gear.

Computer, Card

As has been the case since the invention of the computer, the miniaturization of technology is most often seen in the area of computer size. The card computer functions as a standard computer but is no bigger than most credit cards or hackcards. The card computer may be hooked into any computer interface or display (including paint-on LCDs) and functions exactly like a personal computer.

Disguise Kit, Morphic

Most people forced to work undercover for extended periods rely on the morphic disguise kit. The kit features a pair of contact lenses that change color, a hair prosthetic that changes color, length, and texture, a paint-on LCD injector for instant tattoos that transform, and a vocal encoder (vocoder) that is attached to the throat to alter the user’s voice. Each component can be altered on command. The morphic disguise kit grants a +6 equipment bonus on all Disguise checks while in use.

Display Contacts

Like the previous era’s display glasses, display contacts are part of the further miniaturization of computers. These contact lenses fit perfectly over the eye and project a semitransparent image that appears to be roughly three feet from the user and comparable to a 52-inch monitor. This can be used to show the character any computer display it is linked to, and is also frequently implemented into the heads-up display device (using the multiple use item gadget) to provide real-time data on objects and people in the character’s field of vision.

Medkit, Advanced

The advanced medkit functions as a combined first aid kit, medical kit, and surgery kit. It also grants its user a +2 equipment bonus on all Treat Injury checks.

Medkit, Fast-Use

The fast-use medkit functions as both a first aid kit and a medical kit. In addition, specialized computers and sensors prepare exactly what is needed to restore a character’s hit points, treat a disease, stabilize a dying character, or revive a dazed, stunned, or unconscious character. A character may use the Treat Injury skill with the fast-use medkit as a move action.

The fast-use medkit cannot be used as a surgery kit.


Flash-seal looks like a block of metal roughly the size of a thin brick. It attaches to any door frame. When activated, chemical compounds inside the block of metal burn fast and hot enough to melt the metal into a liquid form. Almost instantaneously, a second chemical compound freezes the molten metal back into its solid state. The result is that the metal melts, sinks into the space between the door and its frame, and then solidifies again, essentially welding the door shut. A door that has been flash-sealed may not be opened by normal means and must be destroyed or cut through as though it were a wall.

Fusion Torch

The fusion torch is the Fusion Age’s equivalent of a blowtorch. The fusion torch produces a small, thin gout of flame that burns with such intensity that it creates temporary blobs of plasma all around it. The fusion torch consists of a small fuel canister attached to the torch generator. The torch deals 3d10 points of damage each round to immobile objects. Due to the nature of the fusion torch, a character using the torch must be meticulous in the way he cuts to maximize damage to whatever he is slicing through. If used as an improvised weapon, the fusion torch deals only 1d10 points of damage since it is being wielded in a more haphazard fashion.


Though not technically an actual set of lockpicks, intellipicks are a cluster of several tiny machines (though not quite small enough to be called nanites) that can pick almost any lock and open almost any door. Intellipicks come in a small box that, when placed on the lock to be opened, releases the miniscule robots to do their work. Once the intellipicks penetrate the lock, they move tumblers and shift bolts in an efficient and rapid manner, opening the lock in way that no human could. Intellipicks have an effective Disable Device modifier of +20 (this skill can only be used to open conventional locks). Intellipicks cannot open electronic or computerized locks, though they can open magnetic locks by generating a magnetic field of opposite polarity.


A jetpack consists of a backpack and fuel cells capable of producing powered flight for up to 2 hours. A character equipped with a jetpack can fly at a speed of 60 feet (good maneuverability). Replacement fuel cells have a purchase DC of 10.

Neural Scrambler

The neural scrambler is a restraint device used by many law enforcement agencies in the place of physical restraints such as handcuffs. The neural scrambler consists of a six-pronged device that, when placed over the head, interrupts brainwave activity. A character wearing a neural scrambler may not take any actions whatsoever, though she moves her normal speed under the command of another individual. When the neural scrambler is removed, the character has no knowledge of events that took place while she was restrained.

Plastic Surgery Kit, Personal

The personal plastic surgery kit is fashionable with society’s elite—and its criminal underworld. Consisting of a mask that fits neatly over any human face, the personal plastic surgery kit is a one-use item that completely and permanently changes a character’s facial appearance.

The personal plastic surgery kit is first linked to a special imaging computer that programs the kit with the desired outcome. The kit is then placed on the face and activated. The kit sedates the person using it and then proceeds to alter his face according to the specifications, and can even go so far as to permanently alter eye and hair color. Using the kit takes one hour, during which the character is unconscious.

Sensor, Chemicomp

The chemicomp sensor computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to find individual chemical compounds. Chemicomps can locate a specific chemical, providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find chemical compounds.

Sensor, Geocomp

The geocomp sensor computer is a handheld computer or computerized gauntlet designed to find individual minerals. Geocomps can locate a specific mineral, providing a +10 equipment bonus on Search checks when attempting to find minerals.

Sensor, Motion

The motion sensor is capable of not only detecting motion but also of plotting it on a display screen in relation to other objects. The motion sensor plots motion relative to its own position, but can sense motion through walls and solid surfaces, indicating the location of any moving object within 100 feet.

Universal Communicator (Unicom)

The unicom is an all-in-one piece of equipment that handles the communication needs of a single person. Each unicom has its own frequency and can send transmissions both directly to another individual unicom as well as to an entire group of unicoms. The unicom also has a data port so that it can be linked to a computer system and receive data as well as audio and visual communications. In later eras, the unicom also frequently incorporates the hologram recorder and projector devices (via the multiple use item gadget).

Violet Rations

The standard rations of Fusion Age militaries, violet rations are entire meals that come in pill form. The pill is placed under the tongue and dissolves, releasing not only the flavors of various foods but also the consumer’s daily supply of nutrients and vitamins. Each violet ration is the equivalent of a single meal and is nutritious, filling, and relatively appetizing.